The wee hours of the morning are wee because? An hour is 60 minutes no matter what time zone you're why are morning hours wee & the rest are just _________________?
Why do you drive on a parkway & park on a driveway? (its just fun to say)
Why are area rugs so expensive? You can carpet an entire room sometimes for what a 9x9 rug costs.
What snaps in a person to make them become so obsessive with things? Like doll collectors, cat collectors, NASCAR fans, beer drinkers or comic book freaks? I love lots of things & there are things that I am more passionate about than others such as dogs but I don't wear pictures of dogs on my clothes or any other accessory. I don't have dog knick knacks & what not's around the house. I love Nikki Sixx but I don't have his picture by my bed or his dead body in the freezer. I know when to draw the line.
And finally throw pillows Why in the hell are those things so expensive?
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I'm addicted to movies movies movies. Movies make me go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm or blah! But still mmmmmmmmmm. Do you know what I mean?
Now excuse me while I go drive on a parkway and then park on my driveway. You're right... saying it is just mmmmmmmmm. ;)
Why does Hawaii have interstate highways?
1. The wee hours are wee because they're SMALL (like a 2 year old is smaller than a 10 year old). Duh. :)
2. I used to live near the Blue Ridge Parkway & I have to say that many many people (most of them from Florida) actually DID park on the parkway. Or maybe it just felt that way because they were driving so slow.
3. Art?
4. I wish I knew this! My husband blows through obsessions all the time. Most recently it was guns. One time it was pottery. I have no idea.
5. Art? Nah...
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