No one loves animals more than I do. NO ONE. As you will see in the pictures I am not a breed specific pet owner.

This black & white beauty is Lori Darlin. Yes, named after that little ol' gal always giving a poke in Lonesome Dove. Lori was rescued from the Tom Green County Humane Society in 2001. She is a blue heeler/border collie mix. She is still pretty spry to be a 13 year old lady but her vision is not once what it used to be. When not found on her bed - Lori can be found in the shower sleeping. Her street names are: The Jeeber, Jeeber Beeber, Jeebie Beebie, Biggie Biggerton & the Bear.

This is Gracie. With those long ears & beautiful profile no one has to ask what breed she is. Gracie was born in Sterling City, Texas in April 2002. I took her home in May & she has been my side kick ever since. She is a member of the BAP gang from San Angelo & is also known as having the cutest booty in the world. Gracie is also known as: Boop Boop, The Boopin' Booper, Jar Jar Stinky, Stinky Linky, Stinkin' Linkin & Gracie Smacie.
And this is Lou. He is one year old & well, if you don't know he is a Boston Terrier. I sing to Lou daily, not the he likes but he would never tell me to stop. The song goes something like this "I love my Lou, my little Lou Dou, nobody loves the Lou like I Do". Why yes, it is an original, thank you for noticing. Lou can usually be found lying near the front steps chewing on his duck or a stick & when he is inside, he is never far from me or his you can see in a picture above, he is taking a big snooze on his dad's arm. Of course he has extra names: The Lou Dou, Louber Douber, Douber Do, Doobs....he answers to them all.
What can I say? I love my pets!
...and you probably need some "Love My Carpet".
My dogs know how to clean the floors & carpet is not available.
They are ADORABLE and PRECIOUS. Give them all some "puppy smooches" from me and my pup.
Too cute.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Cute kids
Your dogs are lovely and I am sure they are treated like kings. That said, a true animal lover can only be a vegan as a lover of animals would not eat them. ALL animals deserve to be free from exploitation and cruelty and death, and nowhere are animals abused and live horrendous lives than 'farm' animals.
It wounds my soul to know what goes on and it is why I am a vegan.Please tell me you are too?? :)
I have a cat whom I adopted when he was 17[he is now 18] a rough outoor little Sid Vicious. A few months with me and he is a little pussy cat now, my darlin' baby boy, sweetpea,purr box, cuddle bug, stinky bumbum and rat bastard[the latter what his former owner used to call him]...I took him in to get him out of the cold, and now he enjoys every luxury which warms my cockles.
I prefer animals to people in a non-sociopathic way.
Your pets are very lucky ti have you,if you're not already, please GO VEGAN. :)
Oh, we have a song too.. Sweet Caroline.
I chose it obviously. :)
Umm--seriously I need to get out more.
Reason I say that is because I have gone back and started reading ur past blogs.
I thought that was a pic of u and ur boyfriend on ur blog page.
I need to go to more concerts.
Savage - they are cute! Thanks for noticing.
Uberbitch - I am not vegan. I am from the South...we have bacon as a condiment with every meal. Its not my fault I was raised by heathens!
Miss Marp - He is my secret very secret. If you really didn't know who he is...yes, you have to get out!
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