No we aren't. Would you like to fill out an application? No, but my husband would.
How many of you have ever taken someone along on a job hunt? Say a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Wife? Husband?
How many of you have ever asked to fill out an application & not have a writing utensil to complete it only to borrow one from the company you are applying to?
How many of you have applied for a job in a t-shirt, jeans & flip-flops? Or reeking of cigarette smoke & alcohol?
Am I just living in an era of days gone by when you put your best foot forward to try and gain a job?
Would any of you be embarrassed to have your husband/wife to ask for an application for you & inquire of job openings?
A couple came in - man & woman. Man was African American and was tatted up (its cool, self expression & all) with tattoos on his neck, face, hat on half-cocked. His partner was a very large Anglo gal with ill fitting clothes, a gold grill & her under garments were shinning. She too was inked up very well with marks on her chest & neck. With them were 2 small children.
I am not the judge & jury for all but if you are applying for a job - even a job at a beer distributor - make an effort. Just because we sell beer & you want a job doesn't mean you need to come in with a 40 in your hand...
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
2 days ago