A guy walks into a bar and says..actually it was more suitably noted as I was sitting in a restaurant bar and the entertainment for the evening was a guy and his guitar. The entertainer sang What I Really Mean by Robert Earl Keen. Which is a unusal song for this region but I knew it and I was singing along. After the song ended a guy behind me cheered too. We were the only two who had. I turned to see who was yipping along. First glance, I was like get the fuck out! Because the guy looked like this:
Since the guy and his guitar had graced us with a little Texas muzak I offered up a list of requests that was nothing but Texas songwriters. As I was waltzing toward the stage, the Vince Neil imposter asked me to request Detroit Rock City. My response was are you a ruh-tard? But I made the request anyway. The guy and his guitar looked at me like I had teased bangs and said "I am not so sure about this". I said give it your best shot. I went back to my seat and you guessed it...I eventually had to have a chat with the Vince Neil imposter. Of course I said you really favor and he stopped me and said let me guess - Nikki Sixx? Shocked and dismayed I resounded with "eh, not so much but definitely Vince Neil". He asks if he looks that fat? I said no, its your teeth, hair and eyebrows. Turns out he is a studio musician, a drummer, even though he could give me no credits for any real contributions to anything he had done. His name is Dickie Powers. He made mention of hanging with Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach, Shannon Larkin of Godsmack and the New Daisy Lounge in Memphis. I asked him his age and he said how old do you think I am. I said 43. I was wrong by a week. He had turned 44 on Sunday. He was all clad in leather, silver thumb rings and bracelets and had a badass Harley in the parking lot. I know it was badass because I walked right by it in on the way in and I commented on how it hurt my eyes. He shared a couple of pictures with me from his iPhone of Jacoby and Paul Stanley. I in return shared the engagement picture of Nikki and I.
Dickie didn't seem shocked at all. The evening ended and we walked out and said to each other nice to meet you, hope to see you around.
And yes, I googled him when I got home. Nothing.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
The 'New Daisy'... I've been there a few times... a great music venue!
"Dickie Powers" ?
LMAO !!!!
Dickie Powers sounds like some childhood actor guest star.
Leave It To Beaver with Dickie Powers....
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