Sometimes I think of something weird & I think, wow I can just google for the answer. Nothing is a secret anymore, nothing sacred. I remember when I was a kid and I couldn't understand the words to songs - you had to buy the cassette or CD to get the "jacket" where usually the words to the songs were on the inside. Especially any type of hair band, heavy metal, even Michael Jackson songs or maybe I just had poor hearing.
My sweet and honoray grandmother consults her World Book Encyclopedia for bursts of knowledge if she runs across something she isn't quite sure of. Ex: My uncle was golfing in Veijo, CA when a MONGOOSE came from the brush and stole a banana from his golf cart. She wasn't sure about the critter so she surfed her vintage data base for the answer. Cute to say the least. She reads the newspaper daily and probably any other circulation that comes into her mailbox from cover to cover. She still goes to the library to check out books. I can't see much need for libraries in the future since all books are on line or any type of research is just beyond your finger tips on the World Wide Web.
Everything is so electronic and to me it seems so alien.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
My dad has a set of World Book encylopedias - AND the Childcraft ones too. I used to read the stories & poems in those all the time :)
I just ordered a Kindle with my Christmas money - something I didn't think I would ever do. But my sister in law got one & all I had to do was hold it in my hands for 30 seconds & I had a vision of carrying hundreds of books around in my purse! AND I could read in bed without having to flop from side to side depending on what page I'm on. Yes, I was seduced. Sigh.
Is it easier to look up "animals that steal bananas on golf courses" in the encyclopedia or google?
I am also at fault for looking up everything on the net.
My biggest no no is looking up possible illness on line.
Can you say disaster!!!!!
OMG u remember when off the wall was really Micheal Jackson
I realized this when my computer was down with a much we depend on computers for everything these days. It's kinda scary...
thats true nothing is sercert.
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