Do you live in the past? Live for the moment? Look toward the future? Daydream? Nightdream? No dream? Keep going? Give up often?
What do you do and how do you do it?
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
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Good morning!
Happy New Year!!
I do look to the future in order to define goals... where I want to be... what I want to do.. etc etc etc...
I do look to the past to identify mis-steps, fuck ups so as to not commit them again...
I look to today to enjoy what is here now...
There is a Native American saying about something like this...
“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” ~Native American Proverb~
I would say sometimes I dwell in the past, but mostly live for the moment.
I have a hard time seeing the future.
Oh Damn I live in a fantasy world in my head...LOL! I never look to my past...It is too depressing so I look to the future more...When My girls are around me I live in the moment...
Happy New Year!!!!
I live in the moment. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet. Today is when we make the memories, or make the future. What we do today shapes our future. Dwelling on the past does no good, except perhaps to cherish wonderful memories, or to learn from foolish mistakes.
Onward and forward...!
I don't look at the past very much (to be frank, my memory sucks in a kind of scary way - should I be worried?). And I might try to glimpse the future, but it's just too out there for me - I'm a present moment person through & through.
P.S. my word verification is "polar" - and I'm very annoyed. No more polar! I want tropical breezes thankyouverymuch!
I do not look to the past. It would be too exhausting. I kind of live in the present as well as the future. Like,...I spend all day going through the motions that will take me right to bedtime. In other words, I wake up planning what I can do to make the day go fast so I can go back to sleep.
The old song goes;
"TRA-LA-la--la-la-la, Live for Today.
TRA-LA-la--la-la-la, Live for Today. And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey hey hey."
I have a keen ear for lyrics. And love to twist them when singing along, just to see the strange looks on peoples faces when I misquote Jimi "'scuse me... while I kiss this guy."
I live in the moment, remember the past, look forward to the future. Most of my dreams involve penises. Actual dreams, not aspirations.
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