The words musings, muse, random & rants still get on my nerves. Aren't all blogs random? And our thoughts, random? Do you have to announce it? "Hello, this is my blog space and I have random thoughts and random rants and I am just a random woman and I write"...uh, huh. Tell us you have a random cock that writes, bet your readership will increase greatly.
How many of you wake up wild eyed & bushy tailed on a daily basis? For me, its probably 5 out of 7 days but somewhere between the first morning tinkle and the final rinse off in the shower it becomes crazy eyed and my tail tucked between my legs like a scalded dog. How does de-motivation come so quickly? Daily, I daydream of being a better person, enriching my life, going the extra mile by learning humility, contentment and gaining wisdom. Those day dreams fly right out the window.
I am a loner by my own definition: because I am an only child. I need very little human interaction to be happy. I am not my own best friend but I serve the purpose. There was a time of grand socializing in my life. A time when every day and night was filled with some kind of activity: breafast, lunch, dinner, cocktails, dances, parties, weekend get-a-ways. Not really sure how I did it, because I had so little money, but I did it and I did it well. Even when sick, I prefer to ride it out alone. Then I think about getting older when I am laying on the bathroom floor in my Depends, puking, feverish and sucking my thumb like a two year old child, who will take care of me? Who would want to? Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, Ricky Bobby? Surely there will be a time when I will crave the love and caring hands of another.
Sorry, Ricky Martin is in town.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I don't believe in trying learn humility,patience,to be a better person etc[can you tell? :)} because we are who we are and people don't change nor does human nature.
I am a loner too who needs a lot of 'me' time and get irritable if even one person is around me too much.
If you want someone to look after you in your dotage you need to breed one and start working on the guilt and indebtedness trips early. :)
WOW, that was random! Especially the part about randomness. And I thought I was random.
I've decided to go it alone myself... I like doing things for myself, it gives me a great feel of the appreciation of what I do have. I left home at 17 when I enlisted in the Army and never looked back. I needed to learn how to do things on my own fast, because if I didn't do them, they didn't get done.
I'm proud of my accomplishments because I got them myself...
Being independent is a really wonderful feeling, no matter how bad the hangover is the next morning!
"Random" posts bother you? How about blog posts labeled
Random Posts by Got Blog?
Skitzo - keep up my sister from another mister & that first round of Hand Grenades & Flaming Dr. Peppers will be on you. I still can't stand the words even though I've have used them - over a year zip it.
I must admit, the word "muse" DOES irritate me.
My cock writes quite eloquently, but it hasn't increased my readership any. Perhaps, I should tell people he juggles.
By the way, I seriously hope you don't go around scalding dogs. I had horrible visions of puppies with third degree burns.
I envy your daily bright-eyed bushy-tailed-ness.... Personally, morning's are the bane of my existence. I wake up each day feeling inconvenienced that I even have to get up and breathe. Sometimes I wish I could just stay in my dreams where life makes absolute sense.
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