When you sign on to follow a blog, what do you think you are following? The words, the meaning, opinions, ideals, the author? And by follow, where does it go? I will not lie - sometimes I will click a blog on someone's blog roll because of the title or the profile picture associated with it and am often misled but that is what I get for choosing a book by its cover. Sue me.
Just curious...I see blogs with tons of followers and yet only few comments. Example:
Jo has 775 followers but generally has less than 30 comments per post and she posts often. Her content is knowledgeable and I find her very readable and she relates very well to her following.
Heff doesn't show his list of followers but his AL-ANON sign up sheet shows he does have regular meeting attendees to the tune of 20 but I bet its more than that. His blogging is sarcastic, subliminally perverted and down right hilarious. The Heff has muy comments per post & he interacts with every commenter, always responds, something I rarely do.
I will not sign up to be a follower unless I know I can and will follow accordingly. I may not comment on every post, but at least every other one. Some days it feels like blogging is a job when it's meant to be fun - is that wrong?
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I read and follow both of those blogs. and yours as well. I concur with your opinion on both of them. But I didn't know it was accepted etiquette to leave a comment every time I visited. I shall ponder this.
I follow blogs based on a combination of the elements you mentioned. along with the things a person says about themselves on their profile...
I follow for all of those reasons. Maybe I like the person - in that case I'll comment often because it's kind of like a relationship.
If I just follow because I like their writing (JennyMac from Let's Have a Cocktail, for instance) I hardly ever comment - I feel like I'm reading a book or a magazine article, not having a relationship with the person.
I agree that some days blogging is a pure-T chore. And if I ever get a job where I have to actually WORK 8 hours instead of the current one where I do actual tasks for maybe 2 hours & read blogs the rest of the time - I will probably have to drop most of the blogs I follow.
But not you! You are short & sweet & entertaining - I can read your blog & have a real job too.
Ok for me I find a blog maybe because they commented on a friends blog and I found it amusing...Or they like the same bands what ever...I comment...I don't usually follow the first time I read...Unless I really like what I am reading...But I have followed some that I just didn't connect with...I do usually leave a message when I visit...I know I would never leave a negative comment...If I don't like what I read I move on...I don't respond to some of my comments either...I am too lazy...LOL! Then I wonder if they even come back to see if I have answered or not...
Sometimes I will comment... sometimes not... I guess it depends upon the state of the Muse...
I go to blogs that deserve me[whether they like it or not].
And for me,that is fun.
Seriously, I can dislike someone but still like their blog. It's a bonus when you like the person, too.
I usually find my blog reads by people who stumble across mine- like you did. :)
I follow blogs mostly because they have some kind of content that I find or found interesting. I also do it sometimes to encourage people who seem to need a little support.
I am new to the blogging world, so hopefully I'll speedily adjust to the scene and routine.
I was just thinking that today...(inner monologue) "will this become a job? It's supposed to be a release and a little honey pot to put my thoughts in"
Interesting comments.
I blog because I gotta "get the poison out"!
If folks find me and read the blather, well, that's just lagniappe. It's still a mystery and a nice kick that readers take the time to check me out!
The frequency of posts depends on time and laziness factor. I leave comments if the mood hits me but if there's already 30+ comments, it's a skip. Surely I am not adding something not already said.
Like Kim's eclectic choice of subjects and her willingness to share her life. I don't reveal my personal information because there are simply too many voices in my head to unleash.
Kim, do it when ya feel it.
But don't just disappear like Trey did. What do you think happened to him? Is he on the lam?
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