A Peeping Tom who visits my blog often has presented me with the soon to be famous Zombie Chicken Award. I really don't know what to say so I found the definitions to each to try and help us along:
–noun 1. (in voodoo) a. the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.
b. the supernatural force itself.
–noun 1. a domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus, descended from various jungle fowl of southeastern Asia and developed in a number of breeds for its flesh, eggs, and feathers.
So, now that we have that out of the way - Thank you, thank you Mr. Savage for deeming me so important to be a Will-less piece of Poultry because I know how important my eggs and flesh are to you. You too are just as fabulous.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
Well a lady can ne4ver have to many fresh eggs...so I'm out with the Zombie
Can I be a peeping tom for you too?
It means, I wade my way through an army of zombie chickens to read your blog.... I'm also selling bridges and beach front property in Arizona....
So you're a dead, will-less, evil creature bred for your flesh, eggs and feathers?? OMG, are you blushing?? That's such an amazing compliment.
Congrats on the award!
Zombie Chicken??? That is awesome! I have been reading several blogs today but NONE (and I repeat NONE) have included a Zombie Chicken. I will definitely investigate further.
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