Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I was chatting with a friend about KISS concert tickets. I told my friend I had located two tickets, floor section, 14 rows from the stage for $300.00 and then asked if they thought it would be worth it. My friend said that was a lot of money for KISS and then said "nooooo your worth $300 bucks". I said "fuck, I better be worth more than $300 bucks". I then got an "LOL" and the amount of $3,000,000,000,000 showed up and this followed "YES THAT IS 3 TRILLION AND YOUR WORTH EVERY PENNY OF IT AND THEN SOME..."

Oh yes, the power of suggestion.



Now that you have it in writing I would hot foot it to a lawyer and for 3 trillion you could own KISS.

Now who the eff is Emilio?

Kimberly said...

Uber - Emilio is my gardener.

BlazngScarlet said...


me said...

move over shannon tweed!!!!.......

Indi said...

I Love ME! I also have dimples...in my lower back! R....ight sexeeeeeeee!!

Kimberly said...

Indigo - what is up wid da nipple shot?

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