Last night before drifting off to dream my fingers stopped changing the channels & it just happened to land on TLC and this was on. Call me selfish or even narrow minded but enough is enough. For one, how can someone support 18 kids? For two, who would want too? A co-worker of mine has four kids and their tax return is around $10,000 annually. Doing simple math you would figure these 18 crumb snatchers would net a return of $40,000; easily an annual salary for anyone. I understand we live in a free country and can breed as we please. I also understand biblical scripture encouraging us all to be to "fruitful and multiply" and no I am not mocking or being blashpemous of the Holy Bible. I suppose my orchard is barren or either has really long winters because I have chosen not to be fruitful up to this point. Can you imagine giving birth to 18 children? It almost makes me gag with repulsion. Aren't we over populated now? Can't they adopt children that nobody else wants? Each Duggar child/teen/tween has their own chore list, basically, the parents - Jim Bob & Stephanie - have an entire staff of worker bees to meet their every need. Have you ever noticed that families with many children are either very religious oriented, poor or live in trailers? What is the connection here?
Andrew Dice Clay - remember him? Famous for making sweet little nursery rhymes into something a little more sinister:
There was an old lady
Who lived in a shoe
She had so many kids
Her uterus fell out
Maybe it is the Duggars calling to be an extra value meal size family and minister to all in need - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ~~ Matthew 18:20
To each their own and in the Duggars case its 18 and counting and in mine it has to be suppression of raging hormones.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
....gotta admit.....i loved andrew dice clay!!!!!!
I am not mocking or being blashpemous of the Holy Bible. .
Ok, then I will. Mostly because there is nothing holy or useful in it.
Using the Bible to justify having LITTERS of kids in no more logical than using it to justify killing homosexuals.
It's a Bronze Age collection of the ignorant thoughts of illiterate folks who didn't have any clue about how the world works.
The Duggars have the right (in this country) to pump out as many kids as they want.....and we have the right to express the opinion that it's completely insane.
Little boy blew...He needed the money, OH!!
three blind mice ...see how they run.....where the fuck are they goin??
Trey - I love the Dice Man...he was on That Metal Show & a Comedy Central Roast for Gene Simmons (I think) not too long ago.
Lemmy - and I have the right to not have any at all. I was once told and I quote "it's unnatural for you to not want to have your own children".
Trav - Jack & Jill went up the hill - each with a buck and a quarter - Jill came down with two-fifty.
Excellent and humorous. How can they remember all those 18 kids names? Maybe they can't figure out what's causing them. They should try to stop washing their underwear in the same load. When the DICE MAN came to San Dago, the Femi-Nazis marched in protest. I guess he's an acquired taste.
Every time I see her I think about her uterous prolapsing (falling out)...
I would hate to hae all those stretch marks...and the pain...
shit I have one child and he messed up my stomach...I'm lucky it is still flat...but I have a map of the world on it!
By the way, they're expecting baby#19 in the spring.
I agree. I'm on my third baby in a little over three years, and as much as I love being pregnant and giving birth and having babies around, this is stressful enough. It's hard on my mind and body, our finances and my husband and I's relationship. And #3 isn't even here yet! We do joke about having 12 more, but seriously, it will be a long, long time from now if ever for #4.
I'm glad someone blogged about this. I remember watching a special when they were pregnant with their 15th, and I couldn't believe how they make those kids work. I mean, I'm all for chores, but do they have kids so they don't have to pay workers? And now they are making big bucks by having their own shows. And I'm sorry, am I the only one who wonders what the state of her uterus and vagina is? Surely to God their is a limit of how many children a woman can actually give birth to before her vagina wears out.
After reading some of the responses I conclude that you have some seriously disturbed followers.......
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