Blogging is a way to express ourselves. We can say what we want to say. Vent, scream or even show vast amounts of love for the most mundane things. Post whatever pictures we like. Conduct polls of useless criteria. We find new friends, form bonds as we blog about elbow macaroni, BBQ grills, bacon, cheap dirty sex, dog poo and all sorts of emotional needs. We all have an open door policy & will see you at any given time, no appointment needed. We create our own safe little corner in the big old bad intraworldwideweburnet. So we all agree blogging is cheaper than therapy but does it really work? Do you feel better after you read something someone has shared with the world? Do you feel relieved when you share something someone else reads from the world? Does your heart race when you see your comment number rising? Does it make you smile, smirk or reach for that bottle of vodka?
*note* reaching for vodka does not mean you are in a depressed state of mind so reach farther
Singing & holding a candle - "I'd like to write the world a blog and keep it company...that's the word I write".
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I don't know if writing counts as therapy, but it always makes me feel better, so I guess it's a step in a good direction.
I know I usually feel better after I've put it all out there. And even more so if people comment and validate my feelings. For a while my mast head was a couch...
I absolutely think of blogging as therapy... and i like promoting dialogue such as I did on the post you visited today...hahaha! thank you!
I wish I felt like blogging right now. I'm just not inspired to say anything. Sad.
Writing things out makes me feel better and it also helps me to go back and read my posts. But the thing that helps the most is getting comments from other people. I think we all need a little boost from other people once in awhile and if we can't find it from the people in the 'real world' then it's nice to know we can still turn to our fellow bloggers.
A lot of times, I find myself in tough situations and I think... I'm going to write this out. I'll feel better. And then I do.
And a lot of times, I'll be really excited about something and want to share. And I do.
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