I took the cue from That Girl from here
You wouldn't be caught dead where?: Rummaging through a discount bin at a yardsale or in white shoes after labor day.
Do you have any hidden talents?: Yes. I am a mind reader.
Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at: Cleaning and napping.
Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at: Making the first move and letting go.
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yes. Sports and academics.
Name one thing not many people know about you: That is why it is the ONE thing. Can't put it all on out on the table.
Name your earliest memory: Walking in my great-grandparents front yard in a green & orange plaid coat.
What was your favorite musical group in jr. high?: Bon Jovi!
What was something the worst roommate you ever had did?: Borrowed a Liz Claiborne bag and matching wallet from me and never gave it back.
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?: Loretta Lynn (I know, I know)
What was your worst dating experience?: Any date that ended in a sleepover...
If you were about to die what would your last meal be?: No meal...just a strawberry pie my mom made.
Who is the most important person in you life?: I have more than one - but are important to me in very different ways. My mom & grandparents for one. And of course - that someone special for two (you know who you are).
If your house was on fire what 3 things would you grab on your way out?: My dogs, my hope chest and any other thing I could squeeze throught the front door before the flames got to me.t
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
uh...the Loretta Lynn answer need esplainin' please!
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