Today I am 38 years old young. I struck through old because I don't feel old I just know that I am older. I can't believe I am knocking on 40's door. Truthfully, it freaks me the fuck out. 40. Forty. Four-tee! In 22 years I will be 60 which is even more freaky.
I just got a new car. A car that I've wanted for the better part of 10 years & now I have it. Now what? I have a home, bonus children, 3 dogs, 2 cats (that I didn't want), a close family, an extended family, 4 best friends, many other acquaintances, a job I like, all my teeth, my hair, about 1,001 freckles, a 401 (k) & I am engaged to my man friend. Some might say I am as a rich as I could be in so many ways, others might say that I am bragging & then some will say that I live beyond my means. After you acquire so many things, achieve goals, make your own history, then what? Wait for the reaper?
I watch older couples when I am out & about. They sit across from each other as they eat. Not speaking or smacking or smiling, like wrinkled robots. I wonder - is this what my man friend & I will become? Just ambling through the day, biding our time until our real time is up? I want to celebrate life now, enjoy it & when my time is near I want to go out swinging! But, I find it hard to not worry & to be in the moment when I am worrying about stuff that hasn't even happened & may never happen.
Sometimes I wonder how I will die. If the ways I have abused my body will be my demise. I read an article about the secrets of living to be 100 years old from centenarians themselves:
"I eat bacon every day".
"A little scotch goes a long way".
"Two pounds of chocolate a week".
"I do what I love".
"When I go to a party, I'm going to have a highball".
"Riding your bike 'til your 100, then quitting smoking at 117".
"I read 3 newspapers every day & watch C-Span to keep my mind sharp".
Alcohol & smoking is a secret to longer living? That goes against everything we're told! Lets look at George Burns who smoked cigars & fathered children until he died at 100.
Lemmy Kilmister isn't really near 100, only 67. but he smokes, swills Jack Daniels & uses speed & coke - lives like a true rock star, indestructible.
Or what about...
My great-grandfather, Oliver Cooper, fished, hunted, gardened, was an active Mason, church deacon, never drank alcohol, never smoked, ate fried meat & bread everyday, drank whole milk, black coffee & sweet tea, was a volunteer fireman and loved only one woman until he died at 97.
And then there was...
Hank Williams, Sr. died at 29 from complications of the usage of alcohol.
And how can he not be mentioned...
Ozzy Osbourne, no words are needed.
I don't know what the secret of longevity is. I suppose its a different secret to everyone. Harmony, wisdom, power, courage, generosity, success, spirituality, chocolate, alcohol & fried chicken = a long & healthy life? I guess we'll have to wait & see.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
One day at a time.
Enjoy each day.
I am 47 and I don't look or act like most 47's.
But there is one different characteristic about me. I look forward to growing older. So I will be wiser or so I hope.
Sounds like u have a wonderful life. I say enjoy it. Don't worry about the future. Today is all that matters.
I thought you were a Christmas baby???
I am 10 years older than you and I have worried about retirement funds since I was 26.
I only wish I had your life !
Happy faux birthday. :)
Miss Marp - Today is all that matters, or should matter but my mind thinks about yesterday, tomorrow, next year, 10 years ago, 20 years ahead.
I do not look forward to growing older because I know I can't get it all done in the next 40 years!
Uberbitch - I am a Christmas Baby...I was just noting my age (slap).
I'll share my life with you...we can cruise the coast.
Done. But do get rid of the bratty kids[unless they're amusing]. :)
The pets can stay. :)
Where the eff is heff?
LOL I am just too clever!
PS I still say you were trying to scam us for extra birthday presents!
It should freak you the fuck out. Otherwise you're not normal. See, I've turned something awful into something positive for you. You're welcome. Now say something nice to me. I turn 43 on June 14th.
I'll say something nice Blue for you have more chance of turning 35 again than getting 'something nice' out of Kimberley.
Nice? Hmm... Nice? hmmm[oh this is harder than it looks].... Well at least you're not turning 48 on June 6th you little scene stealer!
How'z that?
Thank you. That's nice.
Thanks. But no need to say it twice. We're not that old. ;)
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