This is Gracie. With those long ears & beautiful profile no one has to ask what breed she is. Gracie was born in Sterling City, Texas in April 2002. I took her home in May & she has been my side kick ever since. She is a member of the BAP gang from San Angelo & is also known as having the cutest booty in the world. Gracie is also known as: Boop Boop, The Boopin' Booper, Jar Jar Stinky, Stinky Linky, Stinkin' Linkin & Gracie Smacie.
And this is Lou. He is one year old & well, if you don't know he is a Boston Terrier. I sing to Lou daily, not the he likes but he would never tell me to stop. The song goes something like this "I love my Lou, my little Lou Dou, nobody loves the Lou like I Do". Why yes, it is an original, thank you for noticing. Lou can usually be found lying near the front steps chewing on his duck or a stick & when he is inside, he is never far from me or his dad...as you can see in a picture above, he is taking a big snooze on his dad's arm. Of course he has extra names: The Lou Dou, Louber Douber, Douber Do, Doobs....he answers to them all.
What can I say? I love my pets!