Today I did the unthinkable - I deactivated my Facebook account. It is one less thing I will feel the tugging need to check & surely with the 10 minutes gained by clicking "deactivate my account" my life will be more serene because now I can look at Pinterest (even more if that is possible).
Since the purchase of my magical super duper celly my romantic relationship has suffered. My manfriend and I don't communicate as much vocally as before. He and I sit in silence while he pushes his iPad and/or iPhone to the far digital limits they may reach and I view cuddly animals and recipes (that I will never attempt) via Pinterest. We don't laugh at each other or with each other we just show the other one pictures we find on our electronic devices that might invoke a snicker. Even when there is the rare opportunity that we may sit on the couch together and the TV is on - one of us has a fancy gadget in our hands. And in the car? Forget it, it's like riding with a ghost. Yes, it is sad but it is only a sign of things to come.
If any of you out there are gadgety literate but lonely, you are not alone and I know how bad it sucks.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
on a daily basis, I watch my husband play on his phone, or his ipad......that is what he considers quality time together, I am considering shoving them both up his butt.
Congrats for "Killing Assbook", but throw those Trinkets Of Satan away, and gain your LIFE back.
You'll be back, I've done it twice now and come back. It's kind of like a car wreck, you just have to look.
Now Pinterest on the other hand, that was not for me and I quickly deactivated mine. My sister in laws and shit are on that CONSTANTLY, and like you said, talking about recipes and shit they'll never make.
I love my Trinket Of Satan!
LOL, I used "and shit" twice.
And in the same sentence!
You could always put your phone on vibrate and squeal like a pig while the deliverance man calls you.
There are a lot of backwoods dipshit Alabama boys who would just die for the chance to listen in.
Good for you for deactivating WasteOfFreakingTimeBook.
Facebook is one of the biggest distractions :L
I agree with Heff; ditch the Trinkets of Satan and LIVE!
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Choleesa - with lubricant or without?
Heff - as you wish.
Wil - Pinterest is the devil. You shat - twice!
Shelly - backwoods dipshits? Harsh.
Skitzo - it is a waste...
Scarlet - I do love the iphone...I do, I do!
Chester the molester - is that a pygmy hippo?
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