My grandfather better known as Papa is very ill. He is a heart patient and has been one since I can remember. He has had open heart surgery twice in 37 years & Papa is 82 years young (two years ago in the ER he told me he was going to make it to 100). He has a defibrillator that has done its job 4 times since last Tuesday. He is coherent, trying to eat a little here and there and is making jokes. The doctors are trying to correct his abnormal heart rhythm with medicine so he can stabilize and come home. Trying to stabilize his heart and all that is going on there is causing his kidneys to not function properly.
So this is my plea to you all - please mention him in your prayers. The world is a much better place with him in it.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I have PVC, which is pre-mature ventrical contractions that from time to time jolt my heart out of rhythm. I take atenalol to kind of regulate it though.
Will do Kimmerly.
Take care of you as well!
Okay, I prayed for the the old guy. :)
He will be FINE now!!!
I am on the case.
Will do!
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