The latest in plastic surgery is vaginal rejuvenation. You can have your "lower lips" contoured or have your vaginal opening "tightened" to be more aesthetic and more pleasurable (in my experience, I've never met a man who was really picky about what the pooty-poo looked liked). The procedure is not covered by insurance and the typical cost is around $9,000.00. In some cultures young girls are circumcised and the ritual female circumcision (clitoral cutting) has been under scrutiny for years and years as the circumcision offers no medical reasoning & typically the person performing the ritual is a family member (gags) and has, you got it, no medical training. "Hey Uncle Henry, I was thinking since you took that AG class in high school and you learned how to use a sautering iron you could give my private area some detailing. Mom & dad said it would be great if you would do it". (pukes)
So, we have young girls in other cultures screaming in agony as their family members force them to have their private parts mutilated & here in the good Ol' US of A we have women paying $9000.00 for some coochie ehancement? I don't get it.
In a world where we can change hair color, eye color and plump up or deflate any part of our body it is nary a surprise there is now a pussy lift.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I read somewhere that Robert Redford had a nutsack lift... I guess a life long having them just hang there would cause them to possibly reach knee level... I guess it would be good to have them back where they belong...
And once can also have silicone injected into thinning labia to give them a plump, youthful look! One can also have a partial circumcision which intensifies orgasms... one can even have public hair sewn into the lash line to make our lashes look longer! Nothing like batting your pubes at a hot guy!
I, of course, have had it ALL done! :)
I'll cover the nine grand, let's do this thing, xoxoxoxoxo
I'm the reason vaginal rejuvenation EXISTS.
hmmmm... the things we do for love
Travis - first I need to see the $9grand all in $100 bills & then I will need to hold onto for 90 days.
Heff - that type of language is not allowed on this lily white blog.
Trey - there is no love in a pussy lift.
Ive heard about this as well, but it honestly just sounds silly to me. I think i could find a million other things to spend 9k on... like my much needed penis reduction!
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