Once upon a time there was semi-small brunette girl who thought of ways to save the world or at least fix her shit. In those thoughts which ran through the night and throughout most of her days she didn't get anywhere. She thought of things she should have said to this person and things she should have done in that situation. To no avail nothing ever got better and there was very little change. Not wanting to be one to fail she kept specific notes and daily affirmations in eye view as unfortunate daily reminders:
YSL Tribute Bag
Use Michael Kors store credit
Oink, Oink!
I'd like to be a MILF?
Asian Night
Wedding vows to Nikki
No fast food
8 minutes = 1/2 mile
Do blondes really have more fun?
Mantra - "I am tall & beautiful, I love my family & they love me".
Bay window curtain rods
Cupcake practice
Where are my freakin' Costas?
Find a new (any) coke dealer
Schmooze with rich aunt
"Set me free"
As the days stroll by unforgivably, the little brunette who could's check/to do list never gets any smaller. If anything the little pink notes multiply, never decreasing.
Stupid ass lists, I hate you.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
Look at the bright side, bears DO shit in the woods!
Yes, I am one of those "lists" kind of people too.
But mostly just cause my memory is so bad.
I never really feel stressed that I wont complete them all.
I guess cause I have some what of a I dont give a shit attitude.
Maybe try that. : )
Travis - what about lions & tigers?
Kitty - I'll have to make a list for that too.
I don't know, I kinda fancy cupcake practice.
BTW...also made you new blog of the day.
Oh I hate lists, and anything that has the words, "to do" put together.
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