By now most of you are aware that I have high affinity for good manners and a low tolerance for bad ones. So I'll jump right in - last Thursday I was having lunch at a not so fancy place called Zaxby's. There were two seat choices in the whole establishment and one was near the garbage can which is the one I should have chosen but I didn't. Seated at a table across the aisle to the left of me was three tweens and/or teens, a younger boy maybe 9 and a mother figure who sat at the head of her table. The mother was a heavy set short lady with dark short hair and no make up. She had on mom jeans, flip flops and a cute top. When she wasn't stuffing her cake hole with her salad, chewing with her mouth open or talking with her mouth full she was texting on her phone. Her posture was manly as she ate with her wrists on the table and her legs weren't crossed, her knees not together nor were her ankles tucked one behind the other. After the kids had eaten they were wadding up their straw wrappers, holding one side of their nose and sucking the wrapper up and placing it on top of their drink cup.
I can't help it and it is none of my business if she sat in the middle of table and ate with her feet but I CAN NOT HELP IT. Bad manners are just that, BAD.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
American families just don't beat their children properly anymore.
Unfortunately, manners seem to be a thing of the past... how sad...
I love how the fat chicks always order salad and water in public. Beat that kids ASS!
And if I correct a bumpkin, like that one, all of a sudden I'm the rude one!
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