Not many things in life bring me joy but there are a few such as vodka cocktails and designer brands. I have a dear friend who lives in dear 'ol Brooklyn, NY and from time to time when he travels into New York City he will tempt me and my pocket book by sending me pictures of my favorite things...
*clickety click pictures for extra joy*
Oh, be still my beating heart.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
Heff - I don't have a husband or kids - so yes I am!
And men aren't? My husband is just as material as I am - he just wants different things ;)
Would you believe that my tiny town has a TIFFANY in it? What is up with that?
For a guy, I I sure love to shop!!! :oD
I am to a certain degree. but I am for the simmple things. WHile I think those things are all pretty and nice its totally not me. I would be a fish out of water.
Im more for the casual down to earth type of shit.
Heff - No shit, that last chick I dated HAD to have a BMW. She say's it foreign or NOTHING. She was a snotty Bit*@ anyway.... Hey Kim. Love you baby.
Travis - um, I drive a BMW,
shoppin in the apple.....
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