When in the world did bacon and cupcakes become such popular food items?
Why does Saturn have rings?
Why haven't any of you sent me Christmas gifts?
Why haven't any of you sent me birthday gifts?
Why is a vagina called a pussy?
Why is a penis called a cock?
Who coined the term "blow job"? The job part I get but the blowing?
Why do most men become better looking with age?
I could consort with the world wide web for all of the answers but I prefer to ask you all.
(You have 12 days to get presents to me)
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
hahahahaaha Great thoughts.
I DID buy you a present- a gorgeous silk blouse in periwinkle...but it looked so lovely I thought I'd borrow it. You don't mind, do you?
Sorry I cant get past the "blowjog" part.
Now ALL I can think of is cock.
Great! and I am at work. Looks like I will need to take a "break" soon.
Whats on your christmas list?
I've also noticed an uptick in cupcake awareness lately.
haha, important questions!
When I was younger I took blowjob literally. There's a story in there somewhere.
Why does Saturn have rings?
Because it would be gross to have rings around Uranus.
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