New tennis shoes.
Nikki Sixx.
A hope chest.
Plaid curtains.
Basset hound puppies.
Knowing right from wrong.
Snuggling in the morning.
Ice slivers floating on top of your martini.
Chocolate covered peanuts.
Best friends.
Taking a lov-ah.
Cherry chapstick.
Red fingernail polish.
"Never Gonna Be Alone".
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
That's a great list!! Especially the ice slivers and the chocolate coated peanuts... yummy!!!!!
I'm grateful for my old grey sweat paints!
An unnervingly feminine list of desires. But I like you anyway.
I'm a big fan of Salted peanuts and beer.
I'd show you my feminine side. If I had one...
"Things to be Happy about"
1. That Nikki Sixx NEVER attempted a six stringed instrument ! (God, that would be BRUTAL !)
Hey, Vince Neil got a D.U.I. this week !
"Dr. Feelgood" ain't feelin' so good, LMAO !!!
Nikki Sixx is something to be happy about..He is so smokin hot...
Knowing right from wrong
But calling in a favor after getting caught driving 86 MPH in a 60 MPH zone, THAT'S something to be happy about!
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