I never tell the world what I do on a daily basis but..here goes:
I had to make an impromptu doctor visit this morning. I went to a local urgent care center. Upon entering the lobby I was greeted by a non too happy administrative assistant. Ok, I get it, it's Monday. I am asked to fill out the appropriate paperwork since I am a new patient and let me just add - I write incredibly legibly if I do so say so myself. I turn in the paper work & write a check for my co-pay - $35.00. "She" takes my check & I inquire about a receipt. "She" replies "normally, I don't give any out". Um, ok. So I guess since I asked she decided to a bigger smart ass than me & give me one. The amount shown paid $25 (wrong) and my city of residence Billingsley (wrong). I point out the mistakes & "she" says I entered what you had written down. I respond with the correct information & also point to my driver license which would match the paperwork in question or so I thought. I guess cross referencing is an out-dated secretarial practice.
Moving right along into the exam room. Doctor enters room, shakes my hand & immediately says "you aren't 15". I said "ohh, there was a time"....
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
This is like the time I was having my annual Pap & my gynecologist mentioned something about the shape of my uterus & that women who've had babies often look that way. We had JUST finished talking about the fact that I've never had any children. Made me wonder if I should be concerned about my poor misshapen uterus or if it was just shaped that way because it had baby-envy... As long as it doesn't try to CREATE any babies I guess I'm ok.
You could have congratulated him for hiring the mentally handicapped.
I would have totally made out with him if he accused me of being 15...
Goes to show you not all women have brains was she at least good looking...I guess that doesn't matter either because men usually only require women to be breathing!
I hate stupid lazy people....
Nothing like a Doc-In-The-Box...
I hope everything turned out OK! Thanks for sharing the stupidity you encountered; makes me feel like I'm not the only "special" one who is "treated" to these kinds of craziness events!! :)
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