Why do we have to grow up? We didn't ask to be born into this world - shouldn't our parents take care of us - after all, it was their idea to bring us into it.
There are some really cheesey music videos from the 80's and early 90's.
What's worse than the cheesey music videos? If the video featured any vixen dancing on a car hood, in an alley way, around a shiny silver pole pole to any group of the metal genre - I had that very same hair.
Historically November has never been a good month for me. All of my crisis' seem to begin and end with this month. Hopefully this year will prove to be a little different.
and I've finally seen it all - the baby formula is locked up on the "baby" isle in Walgreen's. "None of us live near perfect so for everything else there is Walgreen's". Right.
2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
3 days ago
I'm with you. I don't wanna grow up.
Why is the baby formula locked up? Wait, WHY do you know that? Are you off martinis now?
SMB - Let's not grow up togethe.
I Say - I still wear whore hoops!
Skitzo - I needed an item that just happened to be on the opposite side of the isle. NOT. OFF. MARTINIS.
Trey - lets pretend that we didn't grow up & we can play house.
I SO agree with the being born in this world thing.
I never had 80's hair. Mine so freaking curly I couldn't do a damn thing with it so I just kept it cut really short.
Baby formula? Locked up? If I needed formula (which I never did cause I nursed all four babies) I damn sure wouldn't stand around waiting for someone to unlock it. I'd just go somewhere else.
The rule is simple. If you don't act your age by the time you reach 40. You don't have to. ever.
Warrior - I like your ruel.
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