Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Push, I'll Pull, No Wait...

A friend and I were discussing relationship highs, lows, fits of craziness and the throes of passion. As our talk continued we began to make light of the craziness. We then discovered how interesting it would be for two bi polar people to be involved in an intimate relationship. The scenario was something like this...

"Get off of me, get under me. Leave, no, stay. *Slap, you deserved that, no you didn't. You're stupid, no your wonderful. I hate you, I love you. Let me drown, save me. You're insane, no, you're level headed. I like black, you are black. *Kick, I didn't mean that, come here. Call me, don't call me. I hope you leave and never come back, please don't leave me. I want to wear your skin like a birthday suit, I hate suits. I want you, who are you? I hate sushi, I love fish. You don't need to drink, who drank all my vodka? Kiss me, keep your tongue out of my mouth. Lets take a vacation, I'm not going anwhere with you."

Without some mania in the world, it would be flat and boring. Crazy people need love too.

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